Saturday, 21 January 2012


I had quite a bit to do today with being off on Wednesday & Thursday so it was a really busy day.  As part of my day I had an invite to my second consultation meeting with Aileen & Manjit, this has been organised for after I have been to visit Bristol.  So it will be interesting to see what it is like for myself, as it doesn’t sound very accessible at all from what I have been told but we will wait and see.

CHC were coming out to measure me for a memory foam mattress, which will be nice.  Lynda the district nurse that comes to see me has been talking about me having one for a while, it is being funded by CHC, which is a great assistance and is an example of how beneficial it is to have had the funding agreed.

This evening I stayed over at Matt & Layla’s, it was a really relaxing evening, which was good as I was pretty tired.  But it was great to catch up with them and seeing Layla very pregnant is strange, just over a month to go now and it is getting very exciting.  Mum & Dad were round at Sarah & Richards tonight for a curry night so I think they were in for a good night as well tonight.  Anyway it wasn’t long after tea before I was tucked up in bed, I am getting old before my time.

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